--Game design student project--

This project was made following my school 1st year program, the point of the project was to remake the game "Space Invaders" with a given theme related to films. The film i was given was "Sin City".

Made on UNITY 2021


Movement :  A & D on keyboard OR with the mouse 

Shooting : Mouse 1(Left Click) OR space 

game doesn't support controllers 


The gameplay is based on a normal "space invaders" gameplay, wich means aliens are coming to you and you have to shoot them. To that  i'm adding a boss who will appear when the all the small aliens are beaten.

For the graphics, the aliens have been replaced by police man head and the boss is a sprite of the characters "kevin" witch is Marv enemy in the sin city film from 2005.         The player is represented by a pixel-art sprite of Marv. Overall the game try to take a black and white thème with the white being a glowing, shiny white.

Finally, about the audio, in the menu, the 2005 film theme play, while playing, the player will play a random audio from 4 dialogue said by Marv in the film at random times, apart from all said before, all graphics are from the "base" game.